Well, it's day 3 of 2009 and I haven't done too much yet this year - HA! Still working through having an infant in the house...after 7 years it doesn't all come running back to you. Our Christmas was good - some pictures below. Somewhat relaxing...and fun to see Matthew open his gifts! We got some time on the Wii to play the new games. Enjoyed family time with both sides. Joe has had some time off over New Year's so I am getting very spoiled having him around all the time...Monday will be a rough day.

Matthew has one week left of break - WOO HOO!! I go back to work in a couple weeks, so that's going to be another transition for us. Life is getting there...just have to remember to take one day at a time.
Oh, and a resolution? To lose the rest of the baby weight (and then some) over the course of the next 12 months...we shall see how that goes. Stay tuned...

Star Wars: Clone Wars (for the Wii)
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