Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Playing Ball
We had fun...it was COOOOLD but fun! Here are a few pics of the fun times...and a video, just for James. One of the drills included a run through a ropes course doing high knees. Matthew was GREAT at it!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Today he turns 2
Where has the time gone! Imagine that we waited so long for him and he is already 2!
I never thought I could love someone as much as Joe and Matthew but God provides what we need...
More pictures to come...we just had a family photo shoot. But this one was taken last night when we celebrated with family.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
What a Sunday
Fall has started but we are still over 100 every day. However, we are enjoying the "cooler" temps and grilling. The boys are playing catch and I am watching with a hurt foot. Its fun to see Joe play with the boys...Love my boys!
Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday as well...tomorrow is the first day of another work week.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
A montho ago today, she gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Gabriella Cecilia. She did this at the hospital where I work, a Catholic hospital, Mercy Gilbert Medical Center. She did this wonderful act of love and almost lost her life in the process. Something rare happened to her where her heart stopped during delivery.
Long story short (here's a link to read more: Melanie Pritchard), she survived...miraculously. Doctors and nurses don't know how it happened because you don't normally walk away from something like this...ever. But she did. And it was the power of prayer. Mom and baby are doing very well.
This past week, Melanie, Doug (her husband) and baby Gabriella came back to Mercy Gilbert Medical Center to thank everyone who played a part in her care (read article here). My manager attended and when she recounted the story, tears were all over my face. I can't imagine coming to the hospital for the most beautiful occasion ever, to have a baby, and not know whether you are going to live.
Their story is amazing and I want to thank Melanie for being who she is in her Catholic faith. She is an example to myself and many others of how your faith can truly carry you through the hardest times.
During her thanks, a man walked up to her and said, 'Hi, my name is Vince...I performed your CPR.' When my Manager recanted that portion, I just sobbed. To think that this guy would be so normal about his every day job in scenarios like this. If you ever meet Vince, Respiratory Therapist at MGMC, you will see what I am talking about. The kindest, gentlest soul I know. He is a great man, but what he did for Melanie...just his every day job as far as he sees.
Unibrow...or Urinal?
Matthew - "The next thing we have to do is teach him how to stand and pea in that thing..."
Joe - "What thing?"
Matthew - "You know, that thing on the wall that is on the floor."
Jennie - "The what?"
Matthew - "You know, the unibrow, that's in the bathroom for boys."
At this point, Joe and I finally understood what he was talking about...and about died laughing at the table.
Joe - " You mean, a urinal?"
Matthew (totally nonchalantly) - "Yeah, that"
Wow - GREAT breakfast conversation, right? Unibrow...HAHAHAHAHA!!! I love my son(s). I wouldn't trade EITHER of them for anything!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Ahhh...potty training
Mark has been fascinated by the potty for a while now...well, pretty much since he could walk around. He likes to lift the lid, flush the toilet, put toys in the water (yeah, that's fun to get them out), all things boy. So, recently he has shown an interest in sitting on the potty.
This past weekend I went and purchased a toilet for him. Not the one I wanted, but figured it would do. Last night, the big boys were working out, and it was bath time. Mark and I went into the bathroom and he got so excited when he saw the toilet. He took it apart, tried to sit in the main part of it (sans seat and protective bowl). I told him we would try it again later after his bath.
We were in the midst of his bath and I went to get his towl out of the hall closet (right outside the bathroom - tub in full view). I turned back around with towel in hand and Mark is climbing out of the tub (21 months old, mind you). I asked what he was doing and he said, 'Potty'.
So, I promptly sat him down on the toilet and voila! He pee'ed! Yep, straight up - not lying. He pee'ed! I was so excited - and he was so excited...WOW!! It didn't happen this easy with Matthew, let me tell ya! We hugged and clapped and he did a little dance. Needless to say, bath time ended and he wanted to get back on the toilet and just sit there...read a book...whatever, just to see if it would happen again!
I know it is a long road, but this first portion of it is VERY exciting for me. Joe and Matthew couldn't believe it when I told them. It will be their turn tonight to see if he does it again because I work late.
We will see who has the better luck with potty training...mommy, daddy or big brother!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Birthday weekend
Spent the weekend in Tucson with the boys - first real family vacation for all of us together. While the resort left a lot to be desired, we created a lot of memories! I will treasure these last two days forever...
Here's a telling picture during our ride home...one of Matthew's final comments was, 'do we have an off button for this guy (meaning Mark)?'
They both turned off shortly after that!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
In Rome
Made it safe and sound. Heading into the Vatican - no better way to start the day!
Joe Reynolds
Skyline Productions
49 S. Sycamore, Suite 2
Mesa, AZ 85202
480.345.8009 Office
Sent using BlackBerry
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Leaving on a jet plane
Here we are...waiting for our flight to depart. First leg on a day long trip getting us to Rome!
Looking forward to seeing Joe as soon as possible!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Oh the joys
These are the moments that I love to capture! He us the sweetest thing on earth to me right now. Love him...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sunday...6 days to go
Not only am I excited to go to Rome for the very first time in my life, but I am EVEN MORE EXCITED TO SEE MY HUSBAND!! He has only been home for 2 out of the last 5 weeks...that's not enough for me. Or for the kids.
More pictures in a day or so...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Way too long
Brief update (and a couple photos)...
Mark, now 18 months old, is doing FABULOUS! I can't believe how much his vocabulary has increased over the past few months. He seems to know the names of so many different objects around the house. He has hit the tantrum stage early...so hopefully we will leave it early as well. They mostly happen when he is hungry or not feeling well. Overall, he is just a cute, cuddly kid who LOVES to give kisses.
Matthew, now 9, just received the sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist - AMEN!! He joined several close friends in this life-changing event. He was beaming ear to ear, as were Joe and I. I did shed a few tears, but what can I say...I love him! And, I love these sacraments.
Joe, not sharing his age, is doing well. Was in Florida for 1-1/2 weeks and now leaves this Sunday for Rome for a couple weeks (happy Mother's Day, right?). But business is going well and he is doing great. Feeling great as well - still working out like a mad man! I created a monster 3 years ago when I signed him up for personal training. But, he is the happiest and healthiest I have ever known him to be.
Jennie, 3X, well, I am doing just dandy. Life is great - I can't complain! Sure, there are tough days and nights, but mostly, I enjoy every moment that I can. I am more in love with the three boys than ever before! I thank the Lord every day that I have these men in my life (even though Mark is only 18 months...not really a man...but you know what I mean).
Did I mention Joe is going to Rome? Did I mention that Matthew and I are joining him later in the month? Oh right, forgot that part...Matthew and I will be flying to Rome for 4-1/2 days to spend with Joe at the end of his trip. It was a once in a lifetime chance and I have never been. So, though it wasn't in the budget, we decided to take the plunge. Matthew and I can't wait! We got him a book/CD to learn Italian. His comment when he found out (before he saw the books), "Are you going to get me a book so I can learn to speak Rome?" Now, THAT is funny! Speak Rome...HA!
Anyway, here are some family photos to catch you up.
Mark with great Aunt Carol
Us at Matthew's Confirmation...
And a little video of Mark feeding Charlie some treats...his new favorite thing to do!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Light Rail
First time on the light rail. - WOO HOO! Riding with Matthew to Tempe Town Lake for the Arizona Heart Walk. Joining thousands of others to support the cause of research and finding a cure for heart disease! Doing this in honor of Glenn Whitley - my manager's husband who passed away a month ago from heart failure. RIP Glenn...