Saturday, December 20, 2008
An oldie but a goodie
I hope you enjoy...
6 week update
It's been over a week so I felt the need to update. There have been many happenings in the Reynolds house, so here's a rundown of what's going on.
Matthew finished his 2nd quarter of school - so they had a cottage fair! This is a little pressentation they do for the parents and family where they have a play to tell us what they learned. This past quarter it was birds. Matthew was Pa Woodpecker in the play, so he wore his blue shirt. There are a few photos of the play, with a video with Matthew speaking one of his lines.
I don't think that was a good idea...and don't recommend it to anyone. We survived and here's a picture of the loving brothers from a couple days later...yes, they still loved each other after being up almost all night! I guess it's a bonding experience for them.
And, Mark is 6 weeks old how the time is flying. We are loving him more and more each day and he is getting more interactive and fun. Here's a picture of him from a day or two ago...just enjoying life!

We are getting ready for's been hard to get the shopping done while being at home with Mark. Joe's parents came over the other night so we could go to dinner and get the shopping finished for Matthew. It was quite a relief for me to have it mostly done. Joe and I aren't buying presents for each other, but Matthew should have a decent Christmas. He didn't ask for much, but he's getting most of what he asked for plus some extras (like a toothbrush from us!!).
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
9 Years Ago Today...

I have always thought back and remembered this day knowing that my true love was put before me though I couldn't ever be sure what was going to happen to us...for us...with us. It's not our plan for life but God's and we are always open to what He wants to do with us - and provide us with the strength to get through His plan. I love my husband more today than before as I have grown with him through our life together. I love him for his kindness...his silent strength....his devotion to our faith and family...his love for our children...and his love for me.
Joe is the man I married 9 years ago today. He is my true love...the one that I want to spend every moment of my life with and to share everything with for as long as we shall live. Joe - I love you more than you will know. Sorry I didn't get a card, but I hope this can make up for it!
**This should have posted on 12/10 - not 12/09**
Monday, December 8, 2008
One month old...
So, the picture will come, just need to go take a nap now. You know, sleep when baby sleeps...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thanksgiving weekend

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The coolest ride on the block
The only thing is that Joe has the steering backwards - Matthew has to turn the steering wheel right to go left...and so on. It's quite amusing watching the two of them figure this out...