Saturday, December 20, 2008
An oldie but a goodie
I hope you enjoy...
6 week update
It's been over a week so I felt the need to update. There have been many happenings in the Reynolds house, so here's a rundown of what's going on.
Matthew finished his 2nd quarter of school - so they had a cottage fair! This is a little pressentation they do for the parents and family where they have a play to tell us what they learned. This past quarter it was birds. Matthew was Pa Woodpecker in the play, so he wore his blue shirt. There are a few photos of the play, with a video with Matthew speaking one of his lines.
I don't think that was a good idea...and don't recommend it to anyone. We survived and here's a picture of the loving brothers from a couple days later...yes, they still loved each other after being up almost all night! I guess it's a bonding experience for them.
And, Mark is 6 weeks old how the time is flying. We are loving him more and more each day and he is getting more interactive and fun. Here's a picture of him from a day or two ago...just enjoying life!

We are getting ready for's been hard to get the shopping done while being at home with Mark. Joe's parents came over the other night so we could go to dinner and get the shopping finished for Matthew. It was quite a relief for me to have it mostly done. Joe and I aren't buying presents for each other, but Matthew should have a decent Christmas. He didn't ask for much, but he's getting most of what he asked for plus some extras (like a toothbrush from us!!).
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
9 Years Ago Today...

I have always thought back and remembered this day knowing that my true love was put before me though I couldn't ever be sure what was going to happen to us...for us...with us. It's not our plan for life but God's and we are always open to what He wants to do with us - and provide us with the strength to get through His plan. I love my husband more today than before as I have grown with him through our life together. I love him for his kindness...his silent strength....his devotion to our faith and family...his love for our children...and his love for me.
Joe is the man I married 9 years ago today. He is my true love...the one that I want to spend every moment of my life with and to share everything with for as long as we shall live. Joe - I love you more than you will know. Sorry I didn't get a card, but I hope this can make up for it!
**This should have posted on 12/10 - not 12/09**
Monday, December 8, 2008
One month old...
So, the picture will come, just need to go take a nap now. You know, sleep when baby sleeps...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thanksgiving weekend

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The coolest ride on the block
The only thing is that Joe has the steering backwards - Matthew has to turn the steering wheel right to go left...and so on. It's quite amusing watching the two of them figure this out...

Carpool Mom
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Mark's story

As they had me on the table and were getting the spinal block in, the doctor was turning on the radio and they were making it very lighthearted. The mood was a great one which was good for me. I was freezing so they were covering me with the warmed blankets (gotta get me one of those for home - like I need one in Arizona). And, then Joe came in and the procedure began at 920am. I was trying to keep myself distracted (see picture below) and looked at Joe pretty much the whole time. He and I had our own little conversation going...and the anesthesiologist was right there with us making sure I was doing good. It's amazing how much you can actually feel and not feel at the same time while this process is going on.
And, then he was the picture above I have tears in my eyes because they just told me he was out...but I hadn't heard the cry yet. But it didn't take long and he was crying and smacking his lips because he was HUNGRY!!
Joe followed Mark around as I was doing great and had my nurse with me at the table. I could see everything they were doing with him in the room there as they did the initial cleaning and the neonatologist checked everything out. That was really cool - I don't remember that from Matthew's birth. Joe checked with me before he left the room to make sure I was good with it and I was. They were just finishing me up and then I would head to recovery.
Joe met me in recovery after a little while with Mark after he had his good bath. Then they headed to our room while I was cleaned up by the nurse. After I was cleared, they wheeled me to my room where my parents were waiting with Joe and Mark.
And, about an hour or so later Matthew arrived. Big brother was in the house, so let him have his time with Mark. He first looked at me and didn't see the baby with me so started looking around asking where Mark was. And, then he saw him and instantly went to his side. He wanted to pick him up right away so Joe got Matthew settled on the couch and then put him in his arms. And, they instantly bonded...
Then Nanny got to hold him...
Then a shot of 3 generations of Reynolds men...
Then the grandfathers with the grandsons...
That evening Mark's Godmother Yvonne came by to see us...what a blessing she is in our lives!
Matthew was messing around in Joe's scrubs...
This picture is from the day we were going tiny!
And his first bath at home a few days later...
The freedom to drive...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Photos coming soon...

Saturday, November 15, 2008
One Week
Joe goes back to work on Monday so that will be another adjustment not having him around during the day to help...and just keep me company. It will be hard not to have him around all day, but I will just have to get used to it. I just can't wait to drive! Being cooped up and dependent on others is tough. It has been a glorious first week of life learning about Mark and watching him change day by day.
Photos are coming...I promise! Just have to find an hour or so to download them from the camera and resize them. Thanks for visiting...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
We're home
I will be posting some photos soon, so stay tuned. Now, it's time to get back to the little guy...thanks for visiting!
Friday, November 7, 2008
One Day left...
My emotions are running really high right now. I have already warned Joe that it could very well be that I am crying pretty much anytime he calls today. He wrote me the most LOVING letter this morning just letting me know how much he loves me and our will be kept forever in a very sacred place...
I may write more later...was up at 330a for over an hour because I couldn't sleep. But, I guess it's my body preparing me for more of this to come in the near future. I have some great girlfriends who have been talking me through the first few weeks of parenthood (again) since it's been so long for me! The nursing stories...the sleep deprived nights...the's all good! I welcome it back into my life since I have waited this long!
Stay may be a few days, but I promise to keep writing and will post pictures as I can!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
One Week Left
And the tears came...and they came hard. Both Matthew and Joe asked why I was crying. It's just hard for me to believe we have waited so long for this have another child...and now it's only one week away. I mean, I know I am 9 months pregnant (trust me, there's no way to forget). But I do have days when I think it's always going to be the three of us. I look back at all the memories we have made...just the three of us. I wonder how am I going to love this new guy as much as I love my current son.
Wait and see...that's what I get to do all week...wait and see. I had my last day of work yesterday, Halloween. And we spent the evening trick-or-treating with friends. It was wonderful. Now, I have this week to rest and get final preparations done in the house for the baby's is coming to help clean for a couple days because who knows when I will get to do that again - LOL!
Today is Saturday Nov. 1 and we have 7 days left...